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Profile of Chief Instructor Ng Si Kay:
Group photo of Ip Shui and Ng Si Kay
(taken in the martial art school at 11 Malacca Street, Hung Hom, Hong Kong in 1960)
Pole demonstration at Kung Fu Corner
(Note:'Kung Fu' is the phonetic translation of 'martial art')


Chief Instructor Ng Si Kay first started his martial art training back in 1957 under the tutelage of Ip Shui at Hung Hom. He was married to a daughter of Ip in 1966. Ng has been appointed as an Honorary Wu Shu Consultant of the Hong Kong Police Chinese Wu Shu Club since 1997. He holds a class at the Hong Kong Police Constables Recreation Club at Boundary Street, Kowloon to teach the East River Chow's Praying Mantis martial art and unicorn dance. He has been involved in the system for forty seven years and is very experienced in martial art teaching


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