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Outline of the Chow's Praying Mantis Martial Art

Practising fighting techniques in the absence of strength-building exercises will carry no force at last.

Practising strength-building exercises in the absence of fighting techniques is just like piloting a helmless vessel.

Basic techniques :
  • Hanging power, seize and hold, slightly tilted head, pulled up buttocks, iron ruler waist, curved back, dropping the shoulders and elbows, keep the chest in and curve the back.
  • When the hands are stretched out, they should respond in accordance with the movements of the opponent' hands. One should spare no efforts in lifting, sinking, chest in and power release training. Both chest-in and power release can apply to the bridge, figure, front and lateral side of the body.
  • Hanging power means stretching out both hands in a hanging position. The power is originated from dantian (the public region) on the basis of iron ruler waist and stance so that the bridge, waist and stance can be used simultaneously thus giving full play to the shock power of this style.
Stance :
  • Triangular shaped stance, stance not in a T and pigeon-toed shape, pursuing steps, approaching steps, arrow steps, S-shaped mouse step, rotating steps, continuous steps, goat gripping steps to protect the private parts, large and small cross steps, arc steps, hard pressing of toes, etc.
Core forms:
  • Three Step Arrow, Three Step Shake-off Bridge (Hand) and Three Step Slicing Bridge (and bouncing)
  • Further, there are Three Step Pressing Bridge, forehand hand backhands, Buddhist hands (Sections I & II), Eighteen Latent Power Hands, Three Step Grasping Bridge, Sticking Hands, Pressing Fist, Shocking and Bouncing Power of the Four Sides, Large and Small Successions, Seven Step Continuous Cramping, Alternate Attacking Hands, Dragon Swimming Hands (Sections I & II), Dragon Seizing Hands, Grinder Hands, Praying Mantis Mist Exhale Hands, Eighteen Cicada Catching Hands, etc. (This list is by no means exhaustive.)
Weapons :
  • Iron Rulers, butterfly knives, short-hilted broadsword, trident, sharp iron pole, great speed sword, five element pole, yellow cow twisting tongue pole, poisonous snake pole, cicada catching pole, nine-segment steel whip, iron balls, etc.
  • Conditioning exercises, body protection exercises and combating exercises
Conditioning exercises —— To direct the Ren, Du, Annular Waist, Chong (Vital) channels from conscious state to unconscious state by will power and movements so that they can operate freely for the purpose of resisting disease and prolonging longevity.
Body protection exercises —— universe power, poisonous snake mist exhale power, Buddha worshiping (individual and complete movements), hard and soft power, praying mantis essence assimilation power, testicles withdrawal power.。
Combating exercises —— dragon seizing hands (mountain raising power), press ups drill (iron finger power), shock power (ribcage closing power), chest in and power release (iron back power).


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